Teachers, practices that inspire and inform my work.
Tara Brach is an amazing spiritual teacher, she offers weekly dharma talks and guided meditations. Tara Brach, meditation, emotional healing, spiritual awakening
Thich Nhat Hanh is a Zen Master teacher. In addition to his wonderful teachings on mindfulness, he offers wonderful everyday mindfulness meditations and paractices. Thich Nhat Hanh
Pema Chodron is a Buddhist nun. She offers a number of supportive books for dealing with difficult times, I have found her teaching of Tonglen (Tibetan practice of sending and receiving) powerful. Pema Chodron
Working with difficult thoughts
Byron Katie’s “the work” is a powerful tool to use when we are caught up in our thoughts. The work of Byron Katie
Expressive Arts
Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT®) is a mindfulness-based approach that integrates renown psychologist and philosopher Eugene Gendlin’s Focusing with the expressive arts. I am trained in this approach and use it for many of my groups, visit focusingarts.com to learn more.
Check out the Events page and join my email list and learn about specific expressive arts offerings and creative explorations
Creative Expression
Touch Drawing is a simple process of using your hands and fingers to draw your inner experience. The process of Touch Drawing allows for a direct expression of your inner experience. I find it a powerful and transformative process of creativity. For more information and examples of the process please visit Touch Drawing
Movement Practices
Gabrielle Roth’s 5 Rhythms is a powerful practice to remember and connect to our human and natural essence through movement and dance. Gabrielle Roth
Rumi, was a 13th century Sufi mystic and poet. I find his poetry relevant and inspiring.
Karyn Yandow Fine Art Photography: www.karynyandow.com
Susan Scott Fine Art Photography: www.sscottphoto.com
Portraits by Laura Reoch: www.september-days.com