Photo: Karyn Yandow fine art photography


Groups & Workshops

Women in Transition
Are you coping with change?
Tired of reacting to life events?
Longing to manage life’s ups and downs with more ease?
Wanting more clarity?

Find support in a community of other vital women who are wanting to live true to their most creative and authentic nature.
While intellectually we may know that the nature of life is change, there are times in life when change catches us by surprise or perhaps we are wishing for change to come and find it difficult to begin. This group is designed to explore the process of transition*, our human response to change which includes:

  • acknowledging and grieving what has ended,
  • learning to navigate the unknown,
  • celebrating new beginnings
Susan Scott photograph
Susan Scott Fine Photography

Each week we will explore a common theme related to transitions, share our individual experiences and delve into our creative expression to help facilitate and deepen our understanding.

Together we will use the expressive arts and our creativity to deepen self-exploration and understanding of life’s concerns and desires. We will tap into the natural vitality and resilience that resides within each of us.

No art experience or confidence is required!

This is an 8-week women’s group, meeting on Wednesday evenings from 6:30 – 8:15pm. Group size limited to four – six women. The cost: $560 with a one time material fee of $15. Note: payment plans available
Next group is scheduled for October 3rd 2018. Reserve your space before September 21nd and receive an early bird discount of $520.

Sign up now! — send me an email with your interest.
Give yourself the gift of a nourishing, creative environment to support your authentic life.
There is a free 30 minute consultation. please call 510.263.7390 to schedule and answer any questions you may have.

  • model of transition is based on William Bridges work
Susan Scott photograph
Susan Scott Fine Photography         
COMING HOME: an ongoing Expressive Arts Group for Women
In this ongoing group, we will utilize the Focusing Oriented Expressive Arts FOAT® approach to explore, express and witness each other in a safe communal space.

This group offers an affordable alternative to weekly therapy, $80/session with a 3 month initial commitment.

Copyright © 2025 Doreen Meister, MFT | Do not reproduce without permission.
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